Low protein diet for longevity

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Having a low-protein diet early in life may help you live longer. A study found fruit flies which share more than two thirds of humans genes live twice as long when given minimal protein diet at tender age. A typical western diet is high in protein and fats from meat, diary, and eggs with red meat in linked to heart disease and cancer. There is an evidence that eating too much protein long-term can lead to an increased risk of osteoporosis and kidney problems.

The researchers also believe their findings could be explained because a low-protein diet produces less toxic lipids secreted by the skin. Health skin lipids form a natural barrier keeping out dirt, impurities and harmful chemicals that can accelerate ageing. Scientists used the fly drosophila melanogaster to understand how diet in early life acts to alter lifespan. These insects are used in lifespan experiments because it lives for only two to three months.

The team stressed that there was enough evidence to recommend pregnant women go on low-protein diets to boost their unborn child’s health. There is evidence in humans and other mammals that a mother’s diet can alter the risk of her offspring developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes later in life, but the genetic processes underlying this effect remain to be identified.