Vitamin D boosts fertility

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Women undergoing fertility treatment were 33 per cent more likely to have a baby if their vitamin D levels were healthy. NHS recommends taking of vitamin D supplement for women who are pregnant or trying to conceive for the sake of the development of their baby.

The researchers believe vitamin D may help dampen the immune system’s inflammatory response, improving the chances that an embryo successfully implants in the lining of the womb at the very start of pregnancy. Sun exposure and greater sunlight luminosity increases the body’s store of vitamin D, thereby yielding higher conception rates in summer and autumn.

Oily fish such as sardines or mackerel, red meat, liver or eggs are all rich in vitamin D.The vitamin is important during pregnancy because it affect the way a baby’s bones grow in the womb.
women should beware taking very high doses of vitamin D in a bid to conceive – as it is possible to overdose.

The NHS recommended dose of 10 micrograms a day is considered to be safe. Women should beware that taking more than this without medical advice can lead to too much calcium building up in the body, which can weaken bones and damage the heart and kidneys.