Are you addicted to social network sites?

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Research from Binghamton University, State University of New York explores how the interaction of personality traits can impact the  development of an addiction to social networking. Researcher collected self-reported data from more than 280 students and found that three personality traits; neuroticism, conscientiousness and agreeableness were related to social network addiction.

These three personality traits are part of the five-factor personality model, a framework used to theoretically understand the human personality. The two other traits in the model – extraversion and openness to experience did not  really contribute to social network addiction. Researchers tested how traits interact with one another as they relate to social network addiction.

The personality traits of neuroticism and conscientiousness have direct negative and positive effects on the likelihood of developing a social network addiction. Neuroticism-experiencing negative emotions like stress and anxiety seemed to increase the development of an addiction to social network sites. Having control and the drive to achieve specific goals seemed to decrease the likelihood of developing a social network addiction.

Social networking companies are working on creating more socially responsible and positive experience for their users, new research out of Binghamton University, State University of New York explores how the interaction of personality traits can impact the likelihood of developing an addiction to social networking.

Neuroticism seemed to moderate the effect of conscientiousness as it relates to social network addiction, because someone can simultaneously be highly neurotic and conscientious, researchers found that even if someone is able to practice self-discipline and regularly persists at achieving goals, the fact that they may also be a stressful and anxious person often overrides the perceived control they may have over social network use. A combination of low levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness are related to a higher likelihood of social network addiction. Addiction can be developed through a rational and well-meaning process.