Exercise prevents premature death

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The study from Duke University School of Medicine in North Carolina discovered that the risk of premature death can be reduced by exercising for at least one hour daily. NHS recommends adults should be active daily for at least two and half hours of moderate aerobic activity like, jogging, running, cycling and brisk walking.

Regular exercise should be combined with strength exercises that work all the major muscles two or three times a week. Scientists analysed data from participants aged over 40 who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2003 and 2006. They wore accelerators to quantify their physical activity and exertion.

Using a national database, the researchers determined that in 2011, 4,140 participants were still alive. Those who got less than 20 minutes of moderate or vigorous activity each day had the highest risk of death while those who got an hour of exercise each day cut their risk of death by 50 per cent  or more. The more the exercise, the healthier the state of health and chance of longevity.
