Vaccine suppresses peanut allergies

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Food allergy occurs when the body’s immune system recognizes certain food as harmful and reacts by causing symptoms, this is an allergic reaction, foods that cause allergic reactions are allergens. Three month doses of a nasal vaccine protected the mice from allergic reactions upon exposure to peanut, according to research from the Mary H. Weiser Food Allergy Center at the University of Michigan.

In the study, immunizing peanut allergic mice can redirect how immune cells responded to peanuts in allergic mice. The new approach activates a different type of immune response that prevents allergic symptoms. By re-directing the immune responses, vaccine suppresses the response but prevents the activation of cells that would initiate allergic reactions.

The mouse models studied responded to peanut allergies similarly as affected humans, with symptoms that included itchy skin and trouble breathing. The study assessed protection from allergic reactions two weeks after the final dose of vaccine was administered. The use of immunotherapy to change the immune system’s response by developing a therapeutic vaccine for food allergies can prevent food alllegies.