Ways of boosting fertility

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Women struggling to conceive can increase their chance of becoming pregnant by following simple tips like staying sexually active, eating healthy foods, taking supplements, such as iron and zinc, which help to ensure adequate blood flow to egg cells, and avoiding excess alcohol intake. Maintaining healthy lifestyle, regular sexual health check ups to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections STIs and reducing stress can make conception possible.

The quality of men’s sperm declines in older men, they may experience low sperm count, poor mobility and damage to DNA. Fertility potential is influenced by some biological factors, abnormal bleeding, poor quality cervical mucus, irregular cycles, blocked fallopian tubes and painful periods.

Avoid junk foods- male and female hormones are made up of fat, cell membranes are made up of fats consumed through diet, regular consumption of trans-fats in margarine, donuts, cakes, biscuits, pizza and chips may interfere with proper functioning of these membranes. Drinking caffeine and sugar-laden caffeinated drinks may increase the production of adrenaline.

Nutrition is essential for conception, those struggling to conceive should take zinc, selenium, folic acid, B vitamins, vitamin D, omega-3 fish oils and antioxidants. Improving diet and nutrient intake is very important, good nutrients enhance the circulation of nutrient-rich blood to the ovaries to support egg quality. Women should take supplement with B vitamins, magnesium and folic acid, whilst men should ensure they are boosting the quality of their sperm with zinc, selenium and arginine.
