Omega 3 and 6 enhance insulin production

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Omega 3 and 6 supplements may protect obese people from type 2 diabetes, after 12 weeks of having such supplements added to diets, obese rats have lower glucose levels and improved glucose control. Omega 3, found in salmon, and omega 6, which is found in nuts, influence the expression of 135 genes that control the release of proteins that determine insulin production.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the bodies do not make or use insulin properly, leading to raised blood-sugar levels, it is associated with carrying excess weight. Consistent high blood-glucose levels damage blood vessels, which can lead to kidney disease, nerve damage and blindness.

The researchers from the University of Guelph, Ontario, analysed the muscles and DNA of rats who were fed different diets. Obese rodents were given food supplemented with either omega 3 or 6 fatty acids. These were compared against obese animals, and those of a healthy weight, who were fed a normal diet.

This comes after research released last December suggested eating plenty of salmon, sardines and mackerel may protect against sight loss. A chemical in oily fish boosts the survival of cells that are critical to vision protecting against age-related sight decline, a study by Louisiana State University.

Omega-3 oils ‘precondition’ cells in the eye to withstand ‘stress’, such as a loss of blood supply, according to researchers. In laboratory tests, human eye cells exposed to constant light withstand damage if they are supplemented with such oils.

Fish oil also contains omega-6 AA, which is inflammatory and could  cause damage, omega-3 DHA is thought to alter the former oil’s action. In laboratory experiments the researchers exposed human retinal cells, as well as those of living rats to constant light and  discovered that prior omega-3 DHA supplementation saved these cells from damage.