Habits for weight loss

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A new study from Australia’s Bond University has revealed the effects of healthy daily habits on weight loss. Diet and exercise are generally considered the only ways to lose weight, adding healthy lifestyle to diet and exercise cam keep the weight normal for long. Researchers divided participants into three groups; one that followed a program that promoted breaking old habits, one promoted new habits and one group was a control.

The group which focused on breaking habits engaged in a task designed to interrupt usual routines like ‘doing regular things in different way’. The habit-forming group were encouraged to incorporate  healthy lifestyle changes into their daily routine. Planning and self-monitoring were among the changes, eating more fruit and vegetables, exercising more frequently, and greater feelings of wellbeing. At the end of the 12-week trial, both groups reported losing an average of 3.1kg and after 12 months had lost another 2.1kg each.

Habits don’t require self-control, introducing new habits is fundamental to making sustainable change. The key to successfully implementing change was to take a slow but consistent approach. Incorporating small habits like: keeping to a meal routine, going for a walk, looking at the labels before buying foods, eating small portions, breaking sitting time, focusing on food and eating more fruits and vegetables daily can  lead to weight loss.