Obesity may cause preventable cancers

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Obesity will overtake smoking as the leading preventable cause of cancer in women, a study predicts one in ten new female cancer cases will be caused by excess weight by and fewer  by tobacco. Women are prone to obesity-related cancers than men-including breast and womb cancer. Smoking causes 12 per cent of new cancer cases in women- around 22,000 while excess weight is blamed for 7.5 per cent of cases, or 13,200 a year.

Being overweight increases the risk of 13 types of cancer including bowel, liver and kidney. Obesity is the new smoking, one of the greatest public health challenges of our generation, placing people at greater risk of cancers, heart attacks and other killers.

Smokers are more likely to develop multiple sclerosis and become disabled, smoking can make MS worse and harder for the brain to fight the condition. Smoking can cause further damage to the myelin sheath, a protective layer around the nerves, which is affected in MS patients. This affects vision, mobility and cognitive functions.

There are links between smoking and brain lesions. The increase in damage shows MS patients are less able to fight it or suffer worse symptoms at an earlier stage. Smoking can also affect effectiveness of  treatments.
