Technological Advances in Disease Prevention and Treatment

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The past century has shown remarkable progress in the treatment, prevention, and near eradication of many diseases that were once leading causes of death in the human population. An increased awareness of the necessity of good hygiene and how to practice it has been a major factor to help further the cause of general health and wellness.

Purple vacutainers for blood testing. Image credit: Amanda Mills, USCDCP, CC0 Public Domain via Pixnio

Purple vacutainers for blood testing. Image credit: Amanda Mills, USCDCP, CC0 Public Domain via Pixnio

The development of numerous medicines and vaccines has contributed to the virtual extinction of certain infectious diseases that once led to deadly or life-altering complications. These illnesses were often commonplace and leading causes of death in the young and old for thousands of years. Further developments in science and technology are now proving to be effective in, once again, pushing the boundaries of medicine and making the prevention, treatment, and cure of more debilitating and fatal diseases a possibility.

Genetic Sequencing Technology

The birth and advancement of whole genome sequencing is changing the way physicians are able to approach many diseases, conditions, and genetic disorders, including certain cancers, autism, and epilepsy. Through this process of deciphering the code of a person’s genetic makeup, physicians have the chance to more accurately diagnose complex conditions, especially in newborns and infants when a prompt diagnosis can be critical. This technology may also assist in identifying at-risk individuals before signs or symptoms surface and certain complications become irreversible. Several more of these types of practical applications of whole genome sequencing exist in the realms of both medicine and biology.


The use of nanobots and nanomedicines in the human body is another new option of medical treatment which allows specialists to interact with organisms on the molecular level. These microscopic tools are making breakthroughs in how doctors are able to monitor and make repairs to the body’s internal organs. The minuscule size of these devices and compounds allows physicians to treat the actual cells of an organ in order to bring about more effective and lasting change. Scientists are even exploring ways of using nanotechnology to create synthetic antibodies to aid in the treatment of certain cancers and infections.

Mobile Technology

Countries in the developing world are now able to receive more quality medical care thanks to continued improvements in mobile technology. For example, more efficient solar panels enable physicians in remote locations to charge mobile phones equipped with microscope apps and attachments. These smartphone microscopes allow medical workers to detect and identify certain types of parasites, bacteria, and infections, leading to more accurate diagnoses and safer treatment methods. Also, telemedicine is becoming a more popular alternative to allow patients to seek medical advice and care when they aren’t able to interact with a physician in person. While this practice can’t currently replace face to face visits, it does make huge strides in making healthcare more accessible to all.

Advances in medical technology are bringing new possibilities to the field of disease prevention and treatment. By changing the way physicians are able to conduct research and provide care, they expand their reach and improve their diagnostic and intervention options.