Bacteria in human body have all kinds of positive effects on our health, the bacteria in the gut have many
Diseases caused by pollution were responsible for untimely death
Diseases caused by pollution were responsible for premature deaths across the globe, three times more deaths than AIDS, tuberculosis, and
Oral bacteria contributing to bowel disorders
An international team of researchers has found evidence that suggests certain types of oral bacteria may cause or exacerbate bowel
E-cigarette can cause lung diseases
E-cigarettes lead to as many lung diseases as tobacco products,researchers compared saliva samples from tobacco smokers, e-cigarette smokers and nonsmokers.
Perfect skin care guide
According to dermatologists, analysing how hydrated your face is and how it produces oils will dictate the correct skin care
How obesity causes breast cancer
Obesity leads to the release of cytokines into the bloodstream which impact the metabolism of breast cancer cells, making them
Improper chewing of foods can cause choking
Laughing or talking while eating is the primary cause of choking, throwing objects into the air to then catch in
Important vitamins for healthy teeth
No matter how thoroughly you clean your teeth, you are probably still exposing yourself to tooth decay. According to dentist,
History of pregnancy and blood transfusion
According to new study, males transfused with blood from a woman with a history of pregnancy appear to be 13
Genes and environment can increase the risk of congenital heart defects
Infants of mothers with diabetes have increased risk of congenital heart defects. Such developmental defects are likely caused by a