Use synbiotics for gut health

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Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for digestive system. Probiotics are said to keep gut and digestion healthy by replacing the bad bacteria with good one.

Synbiotics combined a probiotic bacterial strain with prebiotics, which actually feed and increase the good bacteria in the gut.

Probiotics can not survive for a long periods of time, heat and stomach acid can kill them, making them ineffective before digestion.

 Synbiotics are the best way to ensure a maximum benefit from the ingested probiotics. It is the combination of probiotics and prebiotics to feed the human microbiome. Synbiotics could have beneficial effects on obesity and diabetes.

Research has linked our gut health to a range of conditions like obesity, depression, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Probiotics may prevent and treat fatty liver disease and keep it from advancing to liver cancer.

 Pre-and pro-biotics work together to provide a combined benefit, while the probiotic settles in and pushes out the bad bacteria, the prebiotic feeds the growth of positive strains.

A healthy, balanced microbiome breaks down foods, protects human from infection, trains immune system and produces vitamins K and B12. It also controls mood, anxiety and appetite.
Imbalances in the gut are linked to a range of conditions.

The composition of human gut microbiota is determined by genes but it can also be influenced by lifestyle factors such as diet, alcohol intake, exercise, and medications.