Effects of fasting on brain

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According to new research, fasting may have good effects on brain by preserving the brain cells from becoming inflamed. Diet low in fat and calories than recommended intakes reduces inflammation in mice’s brain cells and enhances proper functioing of the brain. Lead author Dr Bart Eggen from the University Medical Center Groningen in The Netherlands, said: ‘Ageing-induced inflammatory activation of microglia could only be prevented by limiting intake of fat and calories.

Microglia is a type of cell in the brain maintains the proper function of the organ’s tissue. Brain-cell inflammation has been linked to multiple sclerosis and Rasmussen’s encephalitis, which can cause seizures and dementia. Brain can remain healthy by eating healthy diets and engaging in different exercises, these foods can keep the brain healthy: Leafy green vegetable, fish, berries, nuts, beans, fruits, grains, poultry and low-fat diary. Reduce intake of red meat, full-fat diary and salt to keep the brain healthy. Drink enough water and remain active. Reducing intake of fat and calories can prevent aging-induced changes.

The researchers exposed six-month-old mice to either a high or low-fat diet, then analysed the impact of such diets on their brain inflammation. The experiment was repeated in two-year-old mice who were either given access to a running wheel they could use as they wished or they had their calorie intake reduced.

According to Lancaster University study, human brains become old at 25, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), in the brain and spinal cord changes its speed of movement in people older than 20. These movements are linked to breathing and heart rates, with CSF changes previously being associated with conditions such as multiple sclerosis and high blood pressure.
