Irregular sleep pattern increases the risk of heart disease

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Regular sleep pattern is important to remain healthy, it heals and repairs heart and blood vessels while irregular sleep patter is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes,  obesity, stroke, depression and other mood disorders. Irregular sleep quality and duration can impair immune function, activate undesirable markers of inflammation and cell damage.

A new study on sleep patterns suggests that a regular bedtime and wake time are important for heart and metabolic health. Duke University research shows that  adults who don’t stick to a regular  sleep schedule are overweight, unhealthy, have higher blood sugar and high blood pressure. Regular seven hours of sleep between the same times every night can keep the heart healthy.

People with hypertension tended to sleep more hours while people with obesity tended to stay up later. Regularity sleep is the best measure to predict heart and metabolic disease risk. Irregular sleepers are also at risk of depression and stress, tracking sleep regularity could help identify people at risk of disease.