Eating soy regularly could ease painful inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) symptoms. Researchers have discovered addition of staple beans to a
Solution to skin cancer
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, the three types of skin cancer: malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma
How brain controls appetite
According to scientists, leptin is a hormone released by fasting tissue that reduces appetite while grelin hormone is released by
New drug for heart attack damage
Heart attack can leads to heart failure. During heart attack, heart suffers enlargement and scarring. Hormoneused by body builders can
Presence of Zika virus in cerebrospinal fluid
According to latest study, Zika virus can remain in cerebrospinal fluid, lymph nodes and colorectal tissue of infected rhesus monkeys
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for depression
Depression is a condition of low mood and aversion to all activity that can affect thoughts and behavior. It varies
Risk of kidney failure after donation
Researchers have developed a risk calculator associated to development of kidney failure after donation. Dorry Segev, of the Johns Hopkins
Relationship between height and blood pressure
High blood pressure is when blood flows through blood vessels at higher pressure than normal, it is also known as
How the body fight viruses
Viruses are very small infectious agents that reproduce and grow inside the living cells of other organisms. Researchers from the
Nanoparticles can increase risk of heart attack
Regular inhaling of nanoparticles can increase your risk of developing heart attack and stroke. Nanoparticles are small objects that can