Sleepy during the day might leads to harmful plaque building in the brain. A hallmark of Alzheimer’s is the accumulation
Category: Health
State of health and colour of urine
According to Dr Luke Powles from Bupa Health Clinics, urine colour indicates hydration levels, more than one liter of water
Effects of fasting on brain
According to new research, fasting may have good effects on brain by preserving the brain cells from becoming inflamed. Diet
Treatment for aggressive breast cancer
More than ten percent of breast cancer cases do not respond to treatment with hormone therapy, which means that they
Some facts about cancer
Healthy people have cancer cells in their body, cancers cells are not detectable in the standard tests until they have
Are you addicted to social network sites?
Research from Binghamton University, State University of New York explores how the interaction of personality traits can impact theĀ development
Genetics of skeletal muscular growth and regeneration
Skeletal muscle has a remarkable capacity to regenerate, researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital bombarded zebrafish with chemical mutagen and
Fibre-fermenting bacteria for type 2 diabetes
Exposure to psychological stress in the form of social conflict alters gut bacteria in Syrian hamsters, according to a new
How genes cause sleep problems
Researchers have identified specific genes that may trigger the development of sleep problems, and have also demonstrated a genetic link
Antihistamines may cause male infertility
Antihistamines are used for fever, hives, conjunctivitis and insect bites. They are available over-the-counter and on prescription. Latest review shows